*Default Multiplier Processing This is how LevelledMobs processes the multipliers by default, which can be any value above 0.0 (0% Increase); Where the value will be the 'percent increase at Max Level'.
For example, a value of 5.0 would represent a 500% increase in the multiplier when at the Max Level.

*Stacked Multiplier Processing This is a newer method to process multipliers. These can be any value above 0.0 (0% Increase); Where the value will be added to the previous value of that multiplier.
For example, a value of 5.0 on a Level 2 entity would add 5 points to the multiplier value; while Level 3 will add 10 points, etc.

*A These are 'Special Multipliers', which can only be a value between 0.0 (0% Usage) and 1.0 (100% Usage), where the value will be the 'percent used at Max Level'.
For example, a value of 0.5 would represent 50% usage of the multiplier when at Max Level.

*B This represents the Max Level used by your LevelledMob. This value must be a whole number larger than 0.